Чи є музика Моріса Равеля симптомом його неврологічного захворювання?
Ключові слова:
Моріс Равель, «Болеро», афазіяАнотація
Проаналізовано можливий вплив дегенеративного ураження мозку французького композитора Моріса Равеля на його музичні твори. Проведено патографічний аналіз публікацій, які містять відомості про стан здоров’я і творчість композитора. Вивчення наукових досліджень медичних та музичних біографів композитора дало змогу встановити, що всі незвичайні музичні твори Моріса Равеля («Болеро» та «Концерт для фортепіано (лівої руки) з оркестром ре мажор») є результатом використання специфічних засобів музичної виразності, необхідних для створення неповторного музичного образу і характерних для індивідуального музичного стилю композитора. Наявність цих «технічних прийомів» (багаторазові повторення мелодії і надзвичайна темброва різноманітність) у більш ранніх творах Моріса Равеля та їх відсутність у його останніх композиціях дає підставу заперечити вплив захворювання на його музичний стиль.
Echenoz J. Ravel. Translate by I.Volevich (Russian). Moscow: FreeFly; 2007:42.
Zharkova VB. Progulki v muzyikalnom mire Morisa Ravelya. [Walking in the music world of Maurice Ravel] (Russian). Kyiv: Autograph, 2009:528.
Gérard M, Chalupt R. Ravel v zerkale svoih pisem [Ravel in the mirror of his letters]. Translated from french by V. Mihelis and N. Polyak (Russian). Leningrad: Music, 1988:211.
Long M. Za royalem s Morisom Ravelem. [At the piano with Maurice Ravel] (Russian).. Performing art of foreign countries. 1981;9:298-299.
Martyinov I. Maurice Ravel (Russian). Moscow: Music, 1979:33.
Poulenc F. Ya i moi druzya. [Me and My Friends] (Russian). Moscow: Music, 1977:120.
Abbott EC. Composers and tuberculosis: the effects on creativity. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 1982;126. N 5:534-543.
Alajouanine T. Aphasia and artistic realization. Brain. 1948;71:229-241.
Alexoudi A, Sakas D, Gatzonis S. The «Ravel issue» and possible implications. Dementia. 2016:1471301216642066. doi: 10.1177/1471301216642066 .
Amaducci LA, Marini A. The Ravel D Major Piano Concerto: for the left hand or from the right brain?. Neurol. 1985;35(4):262-263.
Amaducci L, Grassi E, Boller F. Maurice Ravel and right-hemisphere musical creativity: influence of disease on his last musical works?. European Journal of Neurology. 2002;9(1):75-82. doi: 10.1046/j.1468-1331.2002.00351.x.
Asada M, Ohgushi K. Perceptual Analyses of Ravel’s «Bolero». Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal. 1991;8(3):241-249. doi: 10.2307/40285501.
Baas M, Nijstad BA, Boot NC et al. Mad genius revisited: Vulnerability to psychopathology, biobehavioral approach-avoidance, and creativity. Psychological Bulletin. 2016;142(6):668-692. doi: 10.1037/bul0000049.
Baeck E. La maladie neurologique de Maurice Ravel. Histoire des sciences médicales. 1998;32:123-128.
Baeck E. Maurice Ravel and right hemisphere creativity. European Journal of Neurology. 2002;9(3):320-321. doi: 10.1046/j.1468-1331.2002.t01-5-00389.x.
Boccard AB. Maurice Ravel and Paul Wittgenstein: Le Concerto Pour La Main Gauche in Response to World War I. University of Missouri-Kansas City, 2017:149.
Breitenfeld D, Breitenfeld T, Buljan D et al. Diseases and destinies of famous composers. Why should one even write about composers’ diseases?. Alcoholism and Psychiatry Research. 2013;49(1):55-60.
Breitenfeld T, Breitenfeld D, Thaller V et al. Maurice Ravel (1875-1937) the Pathography. Alcoholism and Psychiatry Research. 2005;41(2):113-120.
Calvocoressi MD. When Ravel composed to order. Music & Letters. 1941;22(1):54-59. doi: 10.1093/ml/xxii.1.54 .
Cardoso F. The movement disorder of Maurice Ravel. Movement disorders. 2004;19(7):755-757. doi: 10.1002/mds.20087 .
Cavallera GM., Giudici S, Tommasi L. Shadows and darkness in the brain of a genius: Aspects of the neuropsychological literature about the final illness of Maurice Ravel (1875-1937). Medical Science Monitor: International Medical Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research. 2012;18 (10):1-9. doi: 10.12659/MSM.883470.
Christy NP. Maurice Ravel and Alzheimer’s disease. JAMA. 1985;253 (20):2961-2962. doi:10.1001/jama.1985.03350440039019.
Cybulska EM. Boléro unravelled: a case of musical perseveration. Psychiatric Bulletin. 1997;21(9):576-577. doi: 10.1192/pb.21.9.576.
Cytowic RE. Aphasia in Maurice Ravel. Bulletin of the Los Angeles neurological societies. 1976;41(3):109-114.
Dalessio DJ. Maurice Ravel and Alzheimer’s disease. JAMA. 1984;252 (24):3412-3413. doi:10.1001/jama.1985.03350440039021.
Drozdov I, Kidd M, Modlin IM. Evolution of one-handed piano compositions. The Journal of Hand Surgery. 2008;33(5):780-786. doi: 10.1016/j.jhsa.2008.01.002 .
Gasenzer ER, Kanat A, Neugebauer E. The Unforgettable neurosurgical operations of musicians in the last century. World Neurosurgery. 2017;101:444-450. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2016.11.144 .
Goddard S. French composers: With a note on maurice ravel’s latest work. The Musical Times. 1925;66 (988):503-505. doi: 10.2307/912827 .
Goubault C. Maurice Ravel. Le jardin féerique. Paris: Minerve, 2004. 357 р.
Grassi E, Boller F. Maurice Ravel and right hemisphere creativity–Reply. European Journal of Neurology. 2002;9(3):321-322. doi: 10.1046/j.1468-1331.2002.t01-6-00389.x.
Gut S. Le phénomène répétitif chez Maurice Ravel. De l’obsession à l’annihilation incantatoire. International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music. 1990:29-46. doi: 10.2307/836895 .
Haus G, Rodriguez A. Formal music representation; a case study: the model of Ravel’s Bolero by Petri nets. Music Processing Computer Music and Digital Audio Series. 1993:165-232.
Henson RA. Maurice Ravel’s illness: a tragedy of lost creativity. British medical journal — 1988;296 (6636):1585-1591. doi: 10.1136/bmj.296.6636.1585.
Kaminsky P. Ravel’s Late Music and the Problem of «Polytonality». Music theory spectrum. 2004;26(2):237-264. doi: 10.1525/mts.2004.26.2.237 .
Kerner D. The death of Ravel. MMW, Munchener medizinische Wochenschrift. 1975;117 (14):591-596.
Kertesz A, Hillis A, Munoz DG. Frontotemporal degeneration, Pick’s disease, Pick complex, and Ravel. Annals of Neurology. 2003;54(5):1-6. doi: 10.1002/ana.10595.
Koechlin Ch. Ravel et ses luttes. Revue musicale. Numero special, 1938, Decembre.
Kopiez R, Bangert M, Goebl W et al. Tempo and loudness analysis of a continuous 28-hour performance of Erik Satie’s composition «Vexations». Journal of New Music Research. 2003;32(3):243-258. doi: 10.1076/jnmr. .
Leong D, Korevaar D. Repetition as Musical Motion in Ravel’s Piano Writing. From: Unmasking Ravel: New Perspectives on the Music. Rochester: University of Rochester Press. 2011:111-142.
Lerner V. The pathography of composers: Modest Mussorgsky. Journal of Medical Biography. 1998;6(3):175-181. doi: 10.1177/096777209800600312.
Marins EM. Maurice Ravel and right hemisphere creativity. European Journal of Neurology. 2002;9(3):320-321. doi: 10.1046/j.1468-1331.2002.t01-4-00389.x.
Marnat M. Maurice Ravel. Paris: Fayard, 1986:632.
Mercier B. Biographie medicale de Ravel: Dissertation. Paris, 1991:462.
Orenstein A. Maurice Ravel’s creative process. The Musical Quarterly. 1967;53(4):467-481. doi: 10.1093/mq/liii.4.467.
Orledge R. Understanding Satie’s’ Vexations’. Music & Letters. 1998;79(3):386-395. doi: 10.1093/ml/79.3.386.
Otte A, De Bondt P, Van de Wiele C et al.The exceptional brain of Maurice Ravel. Medical Science Monitor. 2003;9(6):134-139.
Pilarski B, Ravel M. Une conference de Maurice Ravel a Houston (1928). Revue de musicologie. 1964:208-221. doi: 10.2307/927879.
Porcile F. La belle époque de la musique française. Le temps de Maurice Ravel (1871-1940). Paris: Fayard, 1999:139.
Portera AS. Music as a symptom. Anales de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina. 2004;121(3):501-513.
Rempelakos L, Poulakou-Rebelakou E, Tsiamis C et al. Syphilis’ impact on late works of classical music composers. Journal of Urology. 2014;191(4):627-627. doi: 10.1016/j.juro2014.02.1739.
Roger N. Ravel 1928-1937: Two concertos and a long farewell. London: Yale University Press, 2011:304-347.
Rogers MR. Jazz influence on French music. The Musical Quarterly. 1935;21(1):53-68. doi: 10.1093/mq/xxi.1.53.
Seeley WW, Matthews BR, Crawford RK et al. Unravelling Boléro: progressive aphasia, transmodal creativity and the right posterior neocortex. Brain. 2007;131(1):39-49. doi: 10.1093/brain/awm270.
Sellal F. A few comments on Ravel’s disease. Brain. 2008;131(8):98-98. doi: 10.1093/brain/awn121.
Taylor CL. Creativity and mood disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Perspectives on Psychological Science. 2017;12(6):1040-1076. doi: 10.1177/1745691617699653.
Tudor L, Sikirić P, Tudor KI et al. Amusia and aphasia of Bolero’s creator-influence of the right hemisphere on music. Acta Medica Croatica: Casopis Hravatske Akademije Medicinskih Znanosti. 2008;62(3):309-316.
Wainapel SF. Maurice Ravel and Alzheimer’s Disease. JAMA. 1985;253 (20):2962-2962. doi:10.1001/jama.1985.03350440039020.
Winter G. Neurology and Ravel’s Boléro. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing. 2015;11(4):178-184. doi: 10.12968/bjnn.2015.11.4.178.
Wolf PL. Hector Berlioz and other famous artists with opium abuse. Neurological Disorders in Famous Artists Part 3. Karger Publishers, Basel, 2010;27:84-91. doi: 10.1159/000311193. Литература
Echenoz J. Ravel. Translate by I.Volevich (Russian). Moscow: FreeFly; 2007:42.
Zharkova VB. Progulki v muzyikalnom mire Morisa Ravelya. [Walking in the music world of Maurice Ravel] (Russian). Kyiv: Autograph, 2009:528.
Gérard M, Chalupt R. Ravel v zerkale svoih pisem [Ravel in the mirror of his letters]. Translated from french by V. Mihelis and N. Polyak (Russian). Leningrad: Music, 1988:211.
Long M. Za royalem s Morisom Ravelem. [At the piano with Maurice Ravel] (Russian).. Performing art of foreign countries. 1981;9:298-299.
Martyinov I. Maurice Ravel (Russian). Moscow: Music, 1979:33.
Poulenc F. Ya i moi druzya. [Me and My Friends] (Russian). Moscow: Music, 1977:120.
Abbott EC. Composers and tuberculosis: the effects on creativity. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 1982;126. N 5:534-543.
Alajouanine T. Aphasia and artistic realization. Brain. 1948;71:229-241.
Alexoudi A, Sakas D, Gatzonis S. The «Ravel issue» and possible implications. Dementia. 2016:1471301216642066. doi: 10.1177/1471301216642066 .
Amaducci LA, Marini A. The Ravel D Major Piano Concerto: for the left hand or from the right brain?. Neurol. 1985;35(4):262-263.
Amaducci L, Grassi E, Boller F. Maurice Ravel and right-hemisphere musical creativity: influence of disease on his last musical works?. European Journal of Neurology. 2002;9(1):75-82. doi: 10.1046/j.1468-1331.2002.00351.x.
Asada M, Ohgushi K. Perceptual Analyses of Ravel’s «Bolero». Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal. 1991;8(3):241-249. doi: 10.2307/40285501.
Baas M, Nijstad BA, Boot NC et al. Mad genius revisited: Vulnerability to psychopathology, biobehavioral approach-avoidance, and creativity. Psychological Bulletin. 2016;142(6):668-692. doi: 10.1037/bul0000049.
Baeck E. La maladie neurologique de Maurice Ravel. Histoire des sciences médicales. 1998;32:123-128.
Baeck E. Maurice Ravel and right hemisphere creativity. European Journal of Neurology. 2002;9(3):320-321. doi: 10.1046/j.1468-1331.2002.t01-5-00389.x.
Boccard AB. Maurice Ravel and Paul Wittgenstein: Le Concerto Pour La Main Gauche in Response to World War I. University of Missouri-Kansas City, 2017:149.
Breitenfeld D, Breitenfeld T, Buljan D et al. Diseases and destinies of famous composers. Why should one even write about composers’ diseases?. Alcoholism and Psychiatry Research. 2013;49(1):55-60.
Breitenfeld T, Breitenfeld D, Thaller V et al. Maurice Ravel (1875-1937) the Pathography. Alcoholism and Psychiatry Research. 2005;41(2):113-120.
Calvocoressi MD. When Ravel composed to order. Music & Letters. 1941;22(1):54-59. doi: 10.1093/ml/xxii.1.54 .
Cardoso F. The movement disorder of Maurice Ravel. Movement disorders. 2004;19(7):755-757. doi: 10.1002/mds.20087 .
Cavallera GM., Giudici S, Tommasi L. Shadows and darkness in the brain of a genius: Aspects of the neuropsychological literature about the final illness of Maurice Ravel (1875-1937). Medical Science Monitor: International Medical Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research. 2012;18 (10):1-9. doi: 10.12659/MSM.883470.
Christy NP. Maurice Ravel and Alzheimer’s disease. JAMA. 1985;253 (20):2961-2962. doi:10.1001/jama.1985.03350440039019.
Cybulska EM. Boléro unravelled: a case of musical perseveration. Psychiatric Bulletin. 1997;21(9):576-577. doi: 10.1192/pb.21.9.576.
Cytowic RE. Aphasia in Maurice Ravel. Bulletin of the Los Angeles neurological societies. 1976;41(3):109-114.
Dalessio DJ. Maurice Ravel and Alzheimer’s disease. JAMA. 1984;252 (24):3412-3413. doi:10.1001/jama.1985.03350440039021.
Drozdov I, Kidd M, Modlin IM. Evolution of one-handed piano compositions. The Journal of Hand Surgery. 2008;33(5):780-786. doi: 10.1016/j.jhsa.2008.01.002 .
Gasenzer ER, Kanat A, Neugebauer E. The Unforgettable neurosurgical operations of musicians in the last century. World Neurosurgery. 2017;101:444-450. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2016.11.144 .
Goddard S. French composers: With a note on maurice ravel’s latest work. The Musical Times. 1925;66 (988):503-505. doi: 10.2307/912827 .
Goubault C. Maurice Ravel. Le jardin féerique. Paris: Minerve, 2004. 357 р.
Grassi E, Boller F. Maurice Ravel and right hemisphere creativity–Reply. European Journal of Neurology. 2002;9(3):321-322. doi: 10.1046/j.1468-1331.2002.t01-6-00389.x.
Gut S. Le phénomène répétitif chez Maurice Ravel. De l’obsession à l’annihilation incantatoire. International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music. 1990:29-46. doi: 10.2307/836895 .
Haus G, Rodriguez A. Formal music representation; a case study: the model of Ravel’s Bolero by Petri nets. Music Processing Computer Music and Digital Audio Series. 1993:165-232.
Henson RA. Maurice Ravel’s illness: a tragedy of lost creativity. British medical journal — 1988;296 (6636):1585-1591. doi: 10.1136/bmj.296.6636.1585.
Kaminsky P. Ravel’s Late Music and the Problem of «Polytonality». Music theory spectrum. 2004;26(2):237-264. doi: 10.1525/mts.2004.26.2.237 .
Kerner D. The death of Ravel. MMW, Munchener medizinische Wochenschrift. 1975;117 (14):591-596.
Kertesz A, Hillis A, Munoz DG. Frontotemporal degeneration, Pick’s disease, Pick complex, and Ravel. Annals of Neurology. 2003;54(5):1-6. doi: 10.1002/ana.10595.
Koechlin Ch. Ravel et ses luttes. Revue musicale. Numero special, 1938, Decembre.
Kopiez R, Bangert M, Goebl W et al. Tempo and loudness analysis of a continuous 28-hour performance of Erik Satie’s composition «Vexations». Journal of New Music Research. 2003;32(3):243-258. doi: 10.1076/jnmr. .
Leong D, Korevaar D. Repetition as Musical Motion in Ravel’s Piano Writing. From: Unmasking Ravel: New Perspectives on the Music. Rochester: University of Rochester Press. 2011:111-142.
Lerner V. The pathography of composers: Modest Mussorgsky. Journal of Medical Biography. 1998;6(3):175-181. doi: 10.1177/096777209800600312.
Marins EM. Maurice Ravel and right hemisphere creativity. European Journal of Neurology. 2002;9(3):320-321. doi: 10.1046/j.1468-1331.2002.t01-4-00389.x.
Marnat M. Maurice Ravel. Paris: Fayard, 1986:632.
Mercier B. Biographie medicale de Ravel: Dissertation. Paris, 1991:462.
Orenstein A. Maurice Ravel’s creative process. The Musical Quarterly. 1967;53(4):467-481. doi: 10.1093/mq/liii.4.467.
Orledge R. Understanding Satie’s’ Vexations’. Music & Letters. 1998;79(3):386-395. doi: 10.1093/ml/79.3.386.
Otte A, De Bondt P, Van de Wiele C et al.The exceptional brain of Maurice Ravel. Medical Science Monitor. 2003;9(6):134-139.
Pilarski B, Ravel M. Une conference de Maurice Ravel a Houston (1928). Revue de musicologie. 1964:208-221. doi: 10.2307/927879.
Porcile F. La belle époque de la musique française. Le temps de Maurice Ravel (1871-1940). Paris: Fayard, 1999:139.
Portera AS. Music as a symptom. Anales de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina. 2004;121(3):501-513.
Rempelakos L, Poulakou-Rebelakou E, Tsiamis C et al. Syphilis’ impact on late works of classical music composers. Journal of Urology. 2014;191(4):627-627. doi: 10.1016/j.juro2014.02.1739.
Roger N. Ravel 1928-1937: Two concertos and a long farewell. London: Yale University Press, 2011:304-347.
Rogers MR. Jazz influence on French music. The Musical Quarterly. 1935;21(1):53-68. doi: 10.1093/mq/xxi.1.53.
Seeley WW, Matthews BR, Crawford RK et al. Unravelling Boléro: progressive aphasia, transmodal creativity and the right posterior neocortex. Brain. 2007;131(1):39-49. doi: 10.1093/brain/awm270.
Sellal F. A few comments on Ravel’s disease. Brain. 2008;131(8):98-98. doi: 10.1093/brain/awn121.
Taylor CL. Creativity and mood disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Perspectives on Psychological Science. 2017;12(6):1040-1076. doi: 10.1177/1745691617699653.
Tudor L, Sikirić P, Tudor KI et al. Amusia and aphasia of Bolero’s creator-influence of the right hemisphere on music. Acta Medica Croatica: Casopis Hravatske Akademije Medicinskih Znanosti. 2008;62(3):309-316.
Wainapel SF. Maurice Ravel and Alzheimer’s Disease. JAMA. 1985;253 (20):2962-2962. doi:10.1001/jama.1985.03350440039020.
Winter G. Neurology and Ravel’s Boléro. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing. 2015;11(4):178-184. doi: 10.12968/bjnn.2015.11.4.178.
Wolf PL. Hector Berlioz and other famous artists with opium abuse. Neurological Disorders in Famous Artists Part 3. Karger Publishers, Basel, 2010;27:84-91. doi: 10.1159/000311193.